Alliance Partner

Ananya Finance for Inclusive Growth Limited is an institution which is friendly towards MFIs. The institution extended its hands as a financial partner of BJS in June 2010 to help the organization to scale-up its operations. After the successful completion of the repayment of the first and second term loans on time the institution extended the third term loan in favour of BJS in 2015. BJS is very much thankful to the Management of Ananya.
Ananya Finance
Bangiya Grameen Bikash Bank

BGVB is a Regional Rural Bank sponsored by United Bank of India. It has been extending support to micro finance institutions across West Bengal. BGVB became the financial partner of BJS in November 2010. BJS has been enjoying a Cash Credit Limit with this Bank. The financial support extended by BGVB strengthened the BJS microfinance program further.

BJS got Bank of Baroda (Formerly Dena Bank) in its financial partners list in September’ 2014. The Bank extended credit facilities in favor of BJS in the form of Term Loan. Depending on the performance of the first loan the Bank was pleased to sanction another Term Loan in October’ 2015. The relationship between the Bank and BJS is growing day-by-day which is leading to provide more services for poverty alleviation from the society.
Bank of Baroda
Indian Oversees Bank

BJS got Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) as its financial partner list in July’ 2013. The Bank extended its financial assistance to BJS in the form of Term Loan. Considering the performance of BJS the Bank further extended its credit facility in 2015 and the limit was double than the previous sanctioned limit. The cooperation extended by the Bank will help BJS to expand its services towards mankind.

KIVA Microfunds, USA a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, KIVA lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world. KIVA became the financial partner of BJS in 2013. BJS gets funds from KIVA against External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) under the policy guideline of Reserve Bank of India. The partnership gave BJS the opportunity to have a platform to show its microfinance activities worldwide. BJS borrowers under KIVA Loan are now making their prosperous fortune with the help of a foreign investor.

Maanaveeya Development & Finance Pvt. Ltd. (Oiko Credit) extended a Term Loan facility to BJS in June 2010. With the assistance BJS got a new financial partner. They had extended their second loan to BJS in February’ 2012. BJS wants to carry out the partnership through a long way in future also.
Oiko Credit

MILAAP became the financial partner of BJS in August’ 2014 through their crowd funding program. BJS posts the borrowers’ profiles in the website of MILAAP and after the fund is generated MILAAP reimburse the fund to BJS. It’s a very noble job on the part of MILAAP and the partnership tie-up gave BJS an excellent opportunity to make another way out to help the poor people of our community.

MUDRA (formerly known as Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)) was specifically created to encourage Microfinance Institutions across the country. This development bank takes a positive and protective approach towards small MFIs and new entrants. BJS received its first term loan in March 2009. Looking at the transparent approach and quality service of BJS, MUDRA sanctioned further loans in the successive years in both form of Sub-debts (IMEF) and Term Loan. With the active support of MUDRA, BJS is approaching further in wider arena of its holistic services towards mankind.
State Bank of India

In December 2008 BJS got this premier bank as its first financial partner. The organization has been receiving constant support and encouragement from this Bank. BJS has been enjoying a Cash Credit Limit facility with SBI. The support extended by SBI encouraged BJS to move forward with its noble service of microfinance towards poverty alleviation.

BJS have UCO Bank as its financial partner and the relationship started in March’ 2015 with the financial help of UCO Bank in the form of a Term Loan BJS could expand its service towards the downtrodden women for their poverty alleviation. The bonding between BJS and UCO is growing further day by day towards expansion of the service in much bigger volume. BJS is very much thankful to the management of the UCO Bank.
UCO Bank

United Bank of India (UBI) gave their first sanction of a Term Loan in March’ 2015. Based on the holistic approach of BJS towards mankind, its quality work, excellent debt service performance UBI has extended another Term Loan within next six months. Presently BJS has the highest amount of sanction from a single Bank/FI with UBI. The relationship is growing day-by-day. BJS banks on the excellent support from UBI and it is very much thankful to the UBI Management for their trust and support to BJS.
United Bank of India
Bandhan Bank

Bandhan the no. 1 microfinance institution of India by dint of its volume of operation extended its technical and financial support to BJS for a very unique project named Targeting Hardcore Poor (THP). It’s a very nobel project for the ultra-poor for graduating them to main stream of microfinance program through involving them in income generating activities. Bandhan became the financial partner of BJS by providing 75% of the financial support of this project. They are also providing technical supports through arranging trainings for the clients as well as the staffs involved in the project. BJS is very much proud of this relationship with Bandhan.

National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) provides effective credit support, related services, institution development and other innovative initiatives to promote sustainable and equitable agriculture and rural prosperity. The objective of BJS is also in the same line and depending on that NABARD extended both financial and technical support in favor of BJS in March, 2014 to establish an employment generation project "BJS Handicrafts". BJS is very much thankful to NABARD authority for their active co-operation and supports.