Our Philosophy
BeghoriaJanakalyanSamity (BJS) is a non-government, non-profitable organization registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act in the year 2006 with an initial focus on socio-economic development of the down trodden women. With time, BJS has adopted a holistic approach in order to tackle problems related to poverty and social issues at large particularly in rural areas.
Our Mission
To ensure economic empowerment of under privileged women through providing microfinance services including credit, education and health.

Our Vision
To build a happy and prosperous society through the overall development of people especially women and children with their active participation and full strength.
Values We Treasure - POLITE
P - Privacy of Client Information
O - Outstanding Quality of Service
L - Loyal in Fair Practice
I - Integrating Social Values into Operations
T - Transparency
E - Effective Feedback Mechanism

Our Objectives
Client Objectives:
To empower poor women socially and financially through community participation
To promote gender sensitivity and eliminate gender discrimination
Organizational Objectives:
To establish a sustainable organization this will continue to promote a healthy social development sector.
To reduce exploitation through direct and indirect advocacy strategies.
To conduct research cum study on different socio-economic issues of the society.
To organize training on leadership and skill development, planning, monitoring and evaluation issues.
To organize health camp, health check-up for community people
To create opportunities for the people to become self employed which help them to overcome the poor economical problem and they become self-reliant.
To organize microcredit programme for poor women, through self-help groups.